Discover What's
Out There with IPFS

IPFS is an open system to manage data without a central server

A Universe Of Uses

How IPFS is Used in Production

IPFS's versatility shines across different industries – making it the multi-purpose tool for the decentralized age.


Our peer-to-peer content delivery network is built around content addressing: Store, retrieve, and locate data based on the guts of its content vs. its name or location.


The IPFS network is distributed and participatory, which reduces data silos from central servers.


The integrity of all data is verified using hash functions, so you can trust that you always get the data you’re looking for.


Files and data can be stored across multiple nodes, which keeps content at the ready even during critical outages

Get Started

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Build peer-to-peer apps with IPFS

Join thousands of developers who choose IPFS to build software that's open, verifiable, and resilient.

Build tooling for IPFS

Join thousands of developers who choose IPFS to build software that’s open, verifiable, and resilient.

Use IPFS apps

Store and share files, stream music, publish your website, store NFTs, and more through hundreds of applications built on IPFS.

Store and manage your data on IPFS

Use content addressing to give your data unique identifiers, and use IPFS for large scale data storage and compute.

Connect Through Community

Join thousands of developers who choose IPFS to build software that’s open, verifiable, and resilient.

Our protocol's success hinges on participation from all of our neighbors: Every new node that joins IPFS makes our network stronger for everyone else.

Join Our Community

IPFS By The Numbers


active contributors


unique nodes

1 Billion+

CIDs published to network

What's Happening

On Our Blog

30 January 2023

Interplanetary Applications: Disco Chat


Check out Disco Chat, a peer-to-peer chat application built to demonstrate the power of peer-to-peer while enabling other... Read more

30 January 2023

Interplanetary Applications: Disco Chat


Check out Disco Chat, a peer-to-peer chat application built to demonstrate the power of peer-to-peer while enabling other... Read more

30 January 2023

Interplanetary Applications: Disco Chat


Check out Disco Chat, a peer-to-peer chat application built to demonstrate the power of peer-to-peer while enabling other... Read more

In The Media

30 January 2023

WebTransport in libp2p

Check out Disco Chat, a peer-to-peer chat application built to demonstrate the power of peer-to-peer while enabling other... Read more

30 January 2023

Why the Internet Needs the Interplanetary File System

Check out Disco Chat, a peer-to-peer chat application built to demonstrate the power of peer-to-peer while enabling other... Read more

30 January 2023

Quiet: Free and Open P2P Team Chat built with Tor, libp2p and IPFS

Check out Disco Chat, a peer-to-peer chat application built to demonstrate the power of peer-to-peer while enabling other... Read more

Recent Videos

30 January 2023

Meet the Web3 Builders: Pinata

Check out Disco Chat, a peer-to-peer chat application built to demonstrate the power of peer-to-peer while enabling other... Read more

#NFTs #pinning #API #community

30 January 2023

Meet the Web3 Builders: Pinata

Check out Disco Chat, a peer-to-peer chat application built to demonstrate the power of peer-to-peer while enabling other... Read more

#NFTs #pinning #API #community

30 January 2023

Meet the Web3 Builders: Pinata

Check out Disco Chat, a peer-to-peer chat application built to demonstrate the power of peer-to-peer while enabling other... Read more

#NFTs #pinning #API #community

From The Community